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Month: November 2015

Words for the evening meal in the United Kingdom


What do you call the evening meal? I normally call it supper, but sometimes I also call it dinner, although dinner sounds a bit more classy to me. Is there variation in the names of the evening meal where you live? I live in South Africa, and there is a lot of language variation here. We have 11 official languages and many more languages spoken here besides 🙂

How Did Languages Begin


How language began is a question we have been asking ourselves for a very long time. And there are many proposed answers for it. In the video in this post, they present some possibilities. My idea is that language emerged once humans were intelligent enough to recognise sounds, and had the physical apparatus to make the same complex sounds repeatedly. The rest of language can be built on top of that system.

Let’s talk about “Uptalk”

Don’t criticise the way people talk in their native language. All languages change and evolve, and if this mode of speaking sticks around it will be because it serves some kind of purpose. People who don’t like “uptalk” are simply not aware that language changes all the time