Silly Linguistics Magazine Preview – Issue 21

In France, as in many countries, there are several varieties of the same
language. These varieties of the same language are even to be remarked
across the world (French in Quebec, Africa, even in South America with
French Guinea, and so on). Of course, every language is able to have
different accents, as the social customs highly differ from one place, or
country, to another.

Here, we are going to see the difference between the standardized variety
of French and the variety spoken especially in the south of France. This
particular difference and the related glottophobia targeted at each other
seems inconvenient, irrelevant and utterly awful. We won’t forget that
any other French accent, and actually any accent in any language can
suffer from glottophobia, however we will target this work on one

This article will try to show the biggest differences (especially on
phonological and lexical plans) between both varieties. We have to bear in
mind that the variety spoken in the south of France is more a gathering of
many smaller varieties. However, we’ll try to draw the biggest differences.
Then, we’ll try to put things into perspective, in order to show that
language appreciations are absolutely not to be considered legitimately.

You can read the follow article in our magazine Silly Linguistics and get access to all previous issues at no extra charge

Picture of Steve the vagabond

Steve the vagabond

Hi, I created Silly Linguistics. If you like life on the silly side, you have found just the right place
