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Silly Linguistics is looking for writers for monthly articles

For the first couple of issues I just got submissions from people I knew and from people out on the internet. I would like to put a bit more structure in place. Organising the magazine takes quite a lot of time and I have to juggle that with running the page as well as running my other social media outlets like Twitter and Youtube.

So I am offering a position where you can write articles every month for the Silly Linguistics magazine and get paid a portion of the magazine’s income. It is not a lot at the moment, but it is growing. I think that for a growing page and business like mine this is a good opportunity for language fans and aspiring writers.

This magazine is one of the few magazines catering to language fans and it comes at a price of just $2 / month which will make the magazine accessible to a lot of people. This is a good opportunity for any writers and language enthusiasts out there. We have an audience of about 500 000 people on our Facebook and it is growing all the time. The magazine is advertised on the page so it is a great way to get your work out there for others to see.

If you would like to get involved, send an email to and tell me why you would be a valuable addition to the team. I would also like to get articles from you monthly so that I can keep providing lots of content to the readers of the magazine. This is a great opportunity for writers to learn about languages and linguistics and get paid for doing it 😀

What do you like about languages? How did you get interested in them? And also, what do you have to say about languages that the world needs to hear? I love reading the comments on the posts on the page and I learn a lot from you guys. I can’t wait to see what you guys can add to the magazine.

Each article should be a minimum of 600 words and be no longer than about 5 pages. I like to keep the articles accessible to people of all linguistic knowledge levels. I like to focus on the fun and interesting parts of language and show people how fun learning languages can be.

In your submission please also include some writing samples so I can see what your writing is like.

Whether you are a current contributor, future contributor or just a reader thank you for being a part of this language journey and I can’t wait to see where things go to from here

Steve the vagabond

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