History of the word “I” for Atlaans and other Atlantean languages

Family Tree - I

The Atlantean languages are spoken on the fictional world of Erd that I created a few years ago. I have developed many languages and dialects as you can see in this chart. Atlaans is the language that I have developed the most, but I have developed the older versions of the language as well.

Here is The Night’s Watch Pledge in Atlaans, Harbour Atlanten, Middle Atlantean and High Atlantean

Nach kom en nu meen vach begin
Es zou niet eenden bis meen tod
Ig zou ken zena haben
ken land haben, en ken kinder machen
Ig zou ken kron tragen en ken rum vinen
Ig zou leeven en sterven ouf meen stelung
Ig ar de sverd in de dunkel
Ig ar de vacher ouf de mouer
Ig ar de fouer das bren teen de koud
de lich das de dameren bring
de horn das de slaaperen oufvach
de zild das de landen fon manen shooz
Ig vidme meen leve en era su de nach vach
for dies nach en al de nach das kom

Harbour Atlantean
Nïxht kömath ïnth nü mïn wäxht bïgun
Ït shöll nuxht ïndan but mïn töth
Ixh shöll kïn wïf häban
kïn länd häban, ïnth kïn kundar mäxhan
Ixh shöll kïn krön tharägan ïnth kïn rüm wunan
Ixh shöll lïwan ïnth satärwan öv mïn satïllün
Ixh bin thars sawirth un thars thünkal
Ixh bin thön wäxher öv thil möhar
Ixh bin thars föhar that barinath thïn thil köth
thars luxht that thil dämmärun barinath
thars hörn that thïn salaparen övwäxh
thars shuld that thïn länden vön mänen shötath
Ixh wudminï mïn lïva ïnth irä shü thil nïxht wäxht
vör this nixht ïnth all thïn nixhten that köman

Middle Atlantean
Noyxht koman oynth nu moyn waxht boygoenath
Oyd zholl noexht oyndan boed moyn doth
Oyxhe zholl goyn woyv havan
goyn land havan, oynth goyn goender maxhan
Oyxhe zholl goyn gron thragan oynth goyn roym woenan
Oyxhe zholl loyvan oynth satarvan ov moyn satoyllun
Oyxhe boyn san sawoyrth oen thil thunkal
Oyxhe boyn thil waxhar ov thil mohar
Oyxhe boyn san fohar thad broynath thoyn thil goth
san loexht thad thil damaroen broenath
san horn thad thars salaparen ovwaxh
san zhoeld thad thars landen von manen zhodath
Oyxhe woedmoin moin loyva oynth oyra zhu thil naxht waxht
vor thoys naxht oynth all thoyl naxhten thad koman

High Atlantean
Nocatan cumat ont ni mon wacatul pocenath
Ote sullat necat ontan pet mon totha
Oce sullo con woful hafan
con landan hafan, ont con cenderen macan
Oce sullo con crunan thracan ont con roma wenan
Oce sullo lofan ont satarfan mon satoline
Oce pon sanasaworatha sanathincen
Oce pon thelewacata tholomuharanen
Oce pon sanafuhara that paronath thon thelecuthol
sanalecata that theledamarenul paronath
sanahoran that tholosalaparen ufwacan
thonosheltan that thololanden maneno shutam
Oce wetmono mon lofa ont ora thelenacata wacato
thosonacata ont all tholonacatena that cuman

Night gathers and now my watch begins.
It shall not end until my death.
I shall take no wife.
Hold no lands, father no children.
I shall wear no crowns and win no glory.
I shall live and die at my post.
I am the sword in the darkness.
I am the watcher on the walls.
I am the fire that burns against the cold.
the light that brings the dawn.
the horn that wakes the sleepers.
the shield that guards the realms of men.
I pledge my life and honor to the night’s watch,
for this night and all the nights to come

Picture of Steve the vagabond

Steve the vagabond

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