Afrika noun. Africa.
Agypt noun. Egypt.
Amerika noun. America.
Asien noun. Asia.
abentouer noun. adventure.
abentouerung noun. adventuring.
abin noun. evening.
ablandich adjective. off shore.
ableen verb. reject.
ableet verb. deduce.
ablenkich adjective. distracting.
abneem verb. decrease.
abonier verb. subscribe.
absaak verb. cancel.
abshalt verb. turn off.
abshoylich adjective. heinous, abominable, detestable, loathsome, horrible.
abshuk noun. departure.
absich noun. intention.
absolvent noun. graduate.
abspalt verb. secede.
abspaltung noun. secession.
abteelung noun. section.
abtruner noun. renegade.
abvaser noun. sewage.
abveechung noun. divergence.
abzeet adjective. apart.
abzenk verb. lower.
abzet verb. drop, let go, leave something behind.
abzurd adjective. adsurd.
ach noun. eight.
achde adjective. eighth.
achsich noun. eighty.
adler noun. eagle.
admiral noun. admiral.
akihom noun. axiom.
aktulich adjective. current.
akwich noun. tribe.
al adjective. everything.
al adjective. all.
al noun. eel.
ald adjective. old.
aleen adjective. alone.
alergish adjective. allergic.
algemeen adjective. general.
alles noun. everything. Note: This word is seen as quite formal and is often used in poems and songs
almachtich adjective. almighty.
altar noun. altar.
alter noun. age.
alternativ adjective. alternative.
alveholar adjective. alveolar.
ambichun noun. ambition.
ambord adjective. aboard.
ameese noun. ant.
amnestie noun. amnestie.
amshap noun. post, position, office.
an preposition. on, to (in the sense, “similar to”).
anbien noun. purchase.
anbiet verb. offer.
anblik noun. sight.
andoot verb. imply.
aner verb. change.
anerung noun. change.
anfang noun. beginning.
anfanger noun. beginner.
anforderung noun. requirement.
angaab noun. data.
angaab noun. data.
angaan verb. address, deal with, be involved with.
angebend adjective. featured.
angeblich adjective. alledgedly.
angeborend adjective. inherent.
angrip noun. attack.
anheb verb. raise, lift up.
anjoudan expression. well done.
anlage noun. base, structure.
anlich adjective. similar.
anmeld verb. declare.
anmeldend adjective. declaring.
anmeldung noun. declaration.
anna adjective. other.
annan noun. other people.
annasrom adjective. the other way around.
anneem verb. adopt, accept, take on, assume.
anruf verb. call on the phone.
ansien noun. prestige.
ansien noun. view.
anspraak noun. speech, talk, address.
anspraak noun. a claim to something.
ansteeg verb. grow, increase.
ansteegung noun. growth.
anstele noun. instead of.
anstieg noun. slope.
antal noun. amount.
anvoord noun. answer.
anzeenend adjective. apparent.
anzie verb. attract, draw toward, put on.
apaling noun. noble, aristocracy.
aparat noun. machine.
apel noun. apple.
apoteek noun. chemist pharmacy.
apoteke noun. pharmacy.
ar verb. am is are be. Gram: the infinitve of “ar” is “zeen”
arabies noun. arabic.
arbeed noun. work profession vocation.
arbeedgeber noun. employer.
arbeedplat noun. workplace.
ard noun. earth.
arena noun. arena.
argument noun. argument.
arkiv noun. archive.
arm noun. arm.
armband noun. bracelet.
armee noun. army.
armselich adjective. poor pitiful.
arsh noun. ass.
artikel noun. article.
arvinge noun. heir.
as conjunction. than (better than, worse than), if, because.
as noun. donkey.
ash noun. ash.
asiel noun. asylum.
asistens noun. assistance.
ast noun. branch.
atlaan noun. atlantis.
atlaande noun. atlantean person.
atlaans noun. atlantean language (usually refers to Coastal Atlantean).
atma verb. breathe.
atma noun. breath.
aver conjunction. but.
avokadoeer noun. vagabond miscreant pirate.
avokat adjective. stupid, dumb, terrible.
avonesen noun. dinner.
avsnit noun. episode.