“Adele – Skyfall” in Atlaans

Atlaans is a constructed language I made a while ago that mixes various Germanic languages together. I love constructed languages because they allow you to play with language and to see what a language would look like if history was different. What would English look like if it weren’t for the Norman invasion? What would English look like if the Normans hadn’t lost to the French and French influence had continued?

These are the kinds of things you can mess around with by making constructed languages. Atlaans is mainly a mix of Dutch and German. I always liked the sound of Dutch and I was wondering what simplified German with Dutch pronunciation would sound like. Atlaans it the result.

To give a fun example of the language, I translated “Skyfall” by Adele into Atlaans

This is the end
Dies ar de eend

Hold your breath and count to nine
Halt deen atma en saal su neen

Feel the earth move and then
Ful de aard beveech en dan

Hear my heart burst again
Hoor meen haart ful sho jadan

For this is the end
For dies ar de eend

I’ve drowned and dreamt this moment
Ig ertrinkd en troumd dies moment

So overdue I owe them
Sho soumich ig shuld essech

Swept away, I’m stolen
Swepd vech, ig ar steeled

Let the sky fall
Las de him’ fal

When it crumbles
As es krumel

We will stand tall
We wou hoch staan

Face it all together
Begeen es al shuzamen

Let the sky fall
Las de him’ fal

When it crumbles
As es krumel

We will stand tall
We wou hoch staan

Face it all together
Begeen es al shuzamen

At skyfall
Bee himfal

That skyfall
Das himfal

Skyfall is where we start
Himfal ar wo we anfang

The distance to you is very long
De distans su dich ar gans lang

Where worlds collide and days are unclear
Wo velden slaak en dagen ar unklart

You may have my number, you can take my name
Du miech hab meen noma, du kan neem meen naam

But you’ll never have my heart
Men du wou niemal hab meen haart

Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
Las de him’ fal

When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
As es krumel

We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
We wou hoch staan

Face it all together
Begeen es al shuzamen

Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
Las de him’ fal

When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
As es krumel

We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
We wou hoch staan

Face it all together
En begeen es al shuzamen

At skyfall
Bee himfal

(Let the sky fall
Las de him’ fal

When it crumbles
As es krumel

We will stand tall)
We wou hoch staan

Where you go I go
Wo du gaan ig gaan

What you see I see
Was du sien ig sien

I know I’d never be me
Ig vees ig wou niemal mich zeen

Without the security
Oone de zicherheet

Of your loving embrace
Fon deen liebend’ klaad

Keeping me from harm
Das halt mich fon shaad

Put your hand in my hand
Zet deen hand in meen hand

And we’ll stand
En we wou staan

Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
Las de him’ fal

When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
As es krumel

We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
We wou hoch staan

Face it all together
Begeen es al shuzamen

Let the sky fall (let the sky fall)
Las de him’ fal

When it crumbles (when it crumbles)
As es krumel

We will stand tall (we will stand tall)
We wou hoch staan

Face it all together
Begeen es al shuzamen

At skyfall
Bee himfal

Let the sky fall
Las de him’ fal

We will stand tall
We wou staan hoch

At skyfall
Bee himfal

Picture of Steve the vagabond

Steve the vagabond

Hi, I created Silly Linguistics. If you like life on the silly side, you have found just the right place
