Silly Linguistics Magazine Preview – Issue #28
If there’s one thing everyone in the world can agree on, it’s this: English is a very, very weird language. How weird, I hear you ask? Well, apart from having more exceptions to rules than rules themselves, I’ve recently discovered a sentence that is both nonsensical and grammatically correct. It contains the word “buffalo”… andnothing […]
Silly Linguistics Magazine Preview – Issue 50
Wow! We made it to 50 issues. Thanks to everyone who helped us get here 🙂 Editor’s retrospective Retrospectives from the writers The reality of word learning By Lydia Pryba Amazing Australians By Joana Atanasvoa Tolkien, the Philologist How a linguist brought Middle Earth to life By Rebekah Bradshaw Today’s specials: an untold fold, crushed […]