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Month: January 2016

Grammar of Romance languages

The fascinating thing about Latin is that it didn’t actually die out. It just changed in all the areas where it was spoken into many different languages. What I love about languages is how they can almost be viewed as a living thing. Languages evolve and mutate producing changes and additions that are not seen in other related languages.

But at the end of the day, they are all just Latin dialects that because of social and political forces have been recognised as separate languages. The line between language and dialect is never clear. Swedish and Danish are mutually intelligible but are seen as separate languages, yet Mandarin and Cantonese are seen as dialects of Chinese even though they aren’t mutually intelligible.

And what’s interesting to think about is what Europe would be like now if the Romans never existed. Latin is part of the Italic family of languages. Unfortunately, all other Italic languages besides Latin’s descendants have died out. Maybe they would still be around. And many of the indigenous languages of Europe, like Gaulish (a Celtic language related to languages like Irish Gaelic and Cornish) would still be around.

What does the fox say in ASL

The human desire for communication is amazing! Those who can hear and speak instinctively pick up a language. People don’t need to know anything about grammar or verbs or adjectives. They will just start speaking. But what if you have hearing problems or speaking problems?

People will still want to communicate and this is shown in the fact that sign language developed. They are not a simple code. They are full languages onto themselves and just as complex and varied as spoken languages. If you know one sign language, it doesn’t mean you can understand every sign language. They are even related to one another like spoken languages. American Sign Language is related to French Sign Language because some French Sign Language teachers came to America to teach sign language.

A fascinating case is Nicaragua. At home, deaf children were using rudimentary signs to communicate with family. There were no specialised school for deaf children, so many deaf children just stayed at home. But when deaf schools were set up, an amazing thing started happening. All those children started signing to one another, and a whole new language started developing before people’s very eyes. The human desire for communication will break through almost any barrier! Humans feel a need to communicate with those around them, and sign languages are just one of the ways they can do that.

15 Words and Phrases Millennials Use but No One Else Understands |


15 Words and Phrases Millennials Use but No One Else Understands |

Can’t understand what a Millennial is saying to you? Here’s a cheat sheet to help.


All groups come up with new words and expressions, which can be quite baffling to other generations. Don’t worry. Most of these words and expressions die out quickly, and any that get popular enough will escape out into the rest of society where you will have a chance to learn them 🙂

The Persian Language

Persian is an Indo European language spoken in Iran. Indo European is the world’s largest language family in terms of speakers and even includes language like English, German and French. In fact, most languages of Europe are Indo European which includes the Germanic languages (such as English and German), the Romance languages (such as Italian and Spanish), the Slavic languages (such as Russian and Serbian) and the Celtic languages (such as Irish Gaelic and Scottish Gaelic).

This is really cool, but also really weird!

We are so used to speaking and listening that we don’t often think about what speaking is. It is simply making vibrations in the air that are then transmitted to others around us. A microphone is one way to pick up these vibrations and a speaker, which is designed to recreate those vibrations can play the sounds back.

But pianos make sounds don’t they? They are not just for music. If we hook up a machine which can play just the right notes at just the right time, and for the right amount of time, we can get a rough approximation of speech. It is surprising at first, but when we realise that it is just really a way to approximate the sound waves made by people, we can understand how the feat is accomplished